I haven’t written about Love. I’m a big fan of true love. I believe love should be our driving force in life. Often times my husband asks me, “what’s life all about?” And I always reply, “Love”. When he says, “what am I going to do with you” I always say, “just love me honey...”
It’s truly how I feel.
I didn't have the best track record for relationships. I guess you could say I was a late bloomer. I didn’t have my first real boyfriend till I was almost 16. He was an older then me and didn’t go to my school. We only dated about 3 months, but we remained friends for 9 years after that. I think I loved him more as a friend then I ever did as a boyfriend.
I really didn’t steadily date any other guys until I was 20 or 21. Then I had my first long term relationship. A whole 6 months. After that, there was no one for like 5 years! OK, that's not exactly true. I dated some, lots of first dates, not a lot of second dates. I had a couple 9-1/2 week relationships in there, but truthfully I was a very lonely girl. My friends would say I was too picky. And in some respect that was true. I didn't want to waste my time. I wanted the whole package. I wanted some one I was attracted to yes, but also some one who made me laugh and who I could carry on a conversation with. Is that too much to ask? I used to pray late at night that God would bring me some one who loved me for my heart and soul.
I met my husband when I was 26. I was in a really great place in my life. I had a great job I loved, I had just bought a brand new townhouse on my own. I had a new car. I was thin and pretty. What a catch huh? I think I exuded a level of confidence at that time that perhaps I never had before. He was smitten with me right away. The feeling was very mutual.
The night we met we couldn’t take our eyes off each other. It was the absolute strongest attraction I had ever had to another human being. I leaned over and told my girlfriend right then and there, that the dark haired man across the bar was the man I was going to marry. She thought I was drunk, but I was dead serious.
He asked me to marry him on our first date. A week later I said yes. 16 years and 4 months later I’m still with that man. I love him more now then I did back then. So you can say that there is no such thing as soul mates, but I disagree. I know that there was some force beyond our control that night that drew us together with such strength. That force has kept us together this long. And I do believe that we were meant to be together. We just fit. Where I'm weak, he's strong. I'm logical when he is not. He calms me, I excite him. We make sense.
And even though the years have changed us our love is just as deep. I’m not the size 6 I was back then, his hair is much more gray, our bellies are not nearly as flat as they used to be. But this man still makes me laugh, we can be silly. We can still talk all night long. We still play together and explore together. And every time he looks deep into my eyes we connect, and my heart still skips a beat.
It’s truly how I feel.
I didn't have the best track record for relationships. I guess you could say I was a late bloomer. I didn’t have my first real boyfriend till I was almost 16. He was an older then me and didn’t go to my school. We only dated about 3 months, but we remained friends for 9 years after that. I think I loved him more as a friend then I ever did as a boyfriend.
I really didn’t steadily date any other guys until I was 20 or 21. Then I had my first long term relationship. A whole 6 months. After that, there was no one for like 5 years! OK, that's not exactly true. I dated some, lots of first dates, not a lot of second dates. I had a couple 9-1/2 week relationships in there, but truthfully I was a very lonely girl. My friends would say I was too picky. And in some respect that was true. I didn't want to waste my time. I wanted the whole package. I wanted some one I was attracted to yes, but also some one who made me laugh and who I could carry on a conversation with. Is that too much to ask? I used to pray late at night that God would bring me some one who loved me for my heart and soul.
I met my husband when I was 26. I was in a really great place in my life. I had a great job I loved, I had just bought a brand new townhouse on my own. I had a new car. I was thin and pretty. What a catch huh? I think I exuded a level of confidence at that time that perhaps I never had before. He was smitten with me right away. The feeling was very mutual.
The night we met we couldn’t take our eyes off each other. It was the absolute strongest attraction I had ever had to another human being. I leaned over and told my girlfriend right then and there, that the dark haired man across the bar was the man I was going to marry. She thought I was drunk, but I was dead serious.
He asked me to marry him on our first date. A week later I said yes. 16 years and 4 months later I’m still with that man. I love him more now then I did back then. So you can say that there is no such thing as soul mates, but I disagree. I know that there was some force beyond our control that night that drew us together with such strength. That force has kept us together this long. And I do believe that we were meant to be together. We just fit. Where I'm weak, he's strong. I'm logical when he is not. He calms me, I excite him. We make sense.
And even though the years have changed us our love is just as deep. I’m not the size 6 I was back then, his hair is much more gray, our bellies are not nearly as flat as they used to be. But this man still makes me laugh, we can be silly. We can still talk all night long. We still play together and explore together. And every time he looks deep into my eyes we connect, and my heart still skips a beat.