There are so many days that I want to quit my job. I did once, but the boss-man talked me into coming back. A couple years ago I was offered a job that I turned down, WHY?
I know exactly why, I am afraid. I'm afraid of failing. I'm afraid of not being accepted. I'm afraid I won't like where I end up, and did I mention that I really hate job hunting?
It's not that I have a bad job, in many ways I've got it made. I'm really good at what I do, and I love the interaction with my customers, but there's just something missing. My hearts not in it I guess. It's not where my passions lie.
A couple years ago I had my palm read. It was just for fun, but the gal was surprisingly accurate. She said she sees me like a horse rearing up ready to run--but not going anywhere. That is exactly how I've felt. Big ideas, but no follow through.
I think it goes back to that fear of failure. If I follow that dream and can't make it, then the dream dies. At least now I have the dream and in many ways that keeps me going. So I need to take that leap of faith I guess. Just go for it. And if on the way down it doesn't work out, well then I guess I start swimming...