This year I decided to try some different things. Since now I'm officially middle age, and supposedly in the prime of my life, I figured it's now or never.
As 2009 was fraught with challenges, I am more determined then ever to make sure that 2010 is exciting and fun. Well ok, maybe exciting is too strong of a word, but at best I want 2010 to be interesting.
So far, it's looking pretty good.
I recently posted that changes are coming for me. I've decided that my blog is going to go into a new direction. It's going to encompass my passions, my endeavors, my ideas. I'm both excited and overwhelmed by this grand idea. In one respect it gives me freedom to explore and learn and meet new and interesting people. In another way it is a big, scary thing on the perpetual "To Do" list.
We're already almost 1/5th of the way into the new year and I feel like I've already shaken things up. I've broken my boring work/sleep/eat/errands cycle and added in interesting changes.
The fire within has been officially lit.
I've already taken several classes this spring. And I'm signed up for a few more. I've found a resource for knowledge at The Loft that inspires me to learn and grow as a writer. I've taken chances by asking professionals for help. I've met new people, I've exchanged ideas. I've re-connected with colleagues from the past. I've taken things off that perpetual "To Do" list and started doing them.
Maybe getting older spurs you into action because you feel your time is running out. Maybe it's self-awareness you didn't have in your younger years that pushes you to experience more in life. I know I don't want to be complacent. I know that if change is going to come to my world I am going to have to make it happen for myself. And I haven't felt so alive in years.
So I ask you readers, what have you done lately to step outside your comfort zone? To go beyond your normal everyday life and experience something different. What have you learned lately? What have you always wanted to do? My advise to you would be, go for it. Cross it off your bucket list, and engage in all that life has to offer.