I'm not a super religious person. I mean I do believe in God, I have faith. I believe in Karma and a little bit in destiny too. I believe that there is an inherent higher power that helps those who help themselves. I believe that people with good hearts who help others are rewarded in some way - whether that is a great after life or just a peaceful existence, I guess that is yet to be determined.
And I also believe that we have been given some talent or skill that sets us apart from others. A skill that we may or may not know we have, but some how in our lifetime seems to recur time and time again.
I believe that I have figured out my special skill, my karmic destiny, my gift from up above...
I...have been given the special job of...(are you ready)...changing the toilet paper roll.
Yes readers, it's true. I have been given the Responsibility of the Roll.
I've been noticing this for quite some time now. I seem to have the timing down perfect, the frequency, the consideration to help others in a time of need. I have been destined to be the Replacer of the Toilet Paper.
I know what you are all thinking, that this is a special job and it should not be taken lightly.. but it's true. I have a purpose in this lifetime, to make sure that people, when they are most vulnerable, are - well - covered.
No matter where I go, whether it's work, home, a friend or family's house, perhaps a restaurant or store...I will be the one to replace the empty roll. My timing is uncanny, I always seem to get there when there are one or two sheets left. I have a knack for locating the extra supplies, and never fear, if you and I should share a public restroom and you run out, I will be there to share my gift with you. No, I will not let you down. I will spare a square or two for you.
I almost feel like I should have a cape, a title, and a tag line....
"CC, the TP Queen" - Never fear...CC's Here