The older I get, the more I understand life.
I remember in my 20's thinking I had it all figured out. Thinking I was so worldly and wise - I was a mover and shaker after all. I had an exciting career working with important people. I was fairly educated. I was constantly going places and doing things...
Then I fell in love. And everything I thought I knew about men and life changed. I was in love with a man, and for all intensive purposes, men were way different then women.
Not that this is a bad thing. Just that it's different. Men think differently, they react differently, they love differently then women.
Personally I think men have the ability to live more in the moment then women.
A simple example - One morning I suggest to my hubby that we BBQ together that night - he agrees. So I am at work all day, and on the way home I start thinking about dinner, I'm hungry. I start making plans in my head, did I remember to take anything out of the freezer, how long it's going to take to cook, do I have all the ingredients on hand, maybe I should stop at the store, what would hubby like...I get home. Hubby ate about and hour ago, he was hungry. Funny thing was, I didn't feel like cooking anyway.
He lives in the moment. If he's hungry he eats. He's tired, he sleeps. He doesn't really think too far ahead of that. Don't get me wrong, of course he thinks about his future. But as a sleep deprived over-worked guy he pretty much just focuses on the here and now. I, on the other hand, am perpetually in fast forward mode. I plan ahead for the next hour, the next day, the next weekend, the next year. Hubby has no specific plans for what tomorrow will bring, he goes with the flow. I have a constantly spinning "To Do" list in my head a mile long.
Oh, to only worry about the moment at hand. To never have to plan or prepare... to just "be". Maybe that's why men and women, though so different, work together. One needs to stay grounded in the moment, one needs to look ahead.
Then again, maybe it's just us.