I'm reading this book entitled "9 Things You Simply Must Do for Success in Life...", or something to that effect. Anyway this book is very enlightening. It's written by a psychologist and it's basically his take on the similar traits that successful people exhibit. I haven't read the whole thing yet, but it's has already hit home.
One of the first things he talks about is "Living Your Dream", he says that successful people all live their dream. Whether it's owning a beauty salon or gas station, being a lawyer or an architect - these people all make this dream happen for themselves. More specifically he talks about the energy you feel when you are inspired. You feel alive, like your juices are flowing freely. You exude vitality and excitement, you look forward to each day. Conversely people who are not living their dream tend to trudge through life. They tend to be more angry or sarcastic. They feel like reaching for a dream is not possible. They tend to bury their head when it comes to confrontation or change. I have to say, I think this guy is completely right.
I have been both people.
The last decade of my life I've felt like I was just going through the motions in life. Wake, work, eat, sleep...wake, work, eat, sleep...never feeling any real passion or excitement for anything. The few exhilarating moments were fleeting and followed by much doubt. I've always desired something else for a career. But I didn't really know what. The things I knew I would love to do, seemed so out of reach. There was always something holding me back. Usually money was first on the list. The second being time. Third being education. Followed by a lack of desire for change or ability to make it happen. There were so many more excuses.
I don't know what happened to me in the last 8 months. But something changed. Maybe it was stirred by anger, maybe by desperation I'm not sure. But some switch has definitely flipped. I felt that spark he speaks of, the excitement, the optimism. A new opportunity somehow materialized clearly in my mind.
It's funny it seems so simple now.
So I'm doing it. I'm engaging in life. I'm working toward a dream. I'm making progress. I'm making the steps. I finally feel like anything is possible.
I feel successful already.