So I've come up with an idea that I'm really excited about. It involves a lot more writing, which is good. A little money, which is do-able. And alot of faith, which I have.
So I'm looking forward to my fresh start of 2010.
As I've spoke of many times, I am struggling with my career, wanting so much to live my passions, wanting so much a chance for change.
I've started and stopped many side-businesses. Whether it was a craft business, a decorating business or a jewelry party business...I needed something else that my day job didn't provide. I've needed that creative outlet in my life. I've needed to put my heart and soul into my daily world. I've been searching for more... Endlessly it seems.
Being a Type-B, Right brainer I have a lot of good ideas. What I lack is the Type-A follow through and the Left brain technical know how. It can be a struggle for us creative-types to get'r done. Lord knows I've failed more then once.
But this new idea of mine is going to work. I can feel it in my bones. It doesn't just make my right brain happy it engages the left too. I'm not going to share just yet, but I will say that it will encompass my 3 big career desires: writing, decor and jewelry design. It will lead to other more fruitful opportunities in the next decade of my life.
What I figured out this time, before I just jumped head-first into this endeavor, is that I need help. Help from experts in their field. Yes it might cost me a little at first, but I know it will pay for itself in no time with the headaches I'll save. That's been a big problem, I'm great with the ideas and implementing them, but when I run into a technical or legal wall, I come to a screeching hault. This time I'm going to get help with the stuff I struggle with instead of pretending that I can do it all. This time I will trust others. And hopefully I'll learn something along the way.
So I'm taking classes, I've hired a professional to help me get it going. I've purchased some of the tools I need to make it work more smoothly. I'm already way ahead of where I was with my other endeavors and I've barely just begun.
I may have to keep my day job for awhile, but now I see the light ahead and it's finally shining brightly on me.