I keep saying
2009". That it was a terrible year. That nothing good has come from it.
But I've been thinking, and I've realized I am wrong. And as my hubby pointed out,2009, in many ways, was a good year.
It was the year I reconnected with a loved one and turned the once-distant relationship into a loving, honest and healing friendship.
It was a year that I rediscovered my passion for writing.
It was a year that I realized how much money I wasted on stupid little things and learned to live on less.
It was the year that inspired me to make big changes in myself. For my health, for my family, for my soul.
True enough, it was a year full of stress. I felt a lot of anger and bitterness for my situation. It was a year fraught with challenges and confrontation. I cried a lot of tears in 2009.
But 2009 also lit a fire under me. It got me thinking about living my passions and living life to it's fullest. It brought the "what if's" into focus and inspired me to set goals and make changes. It got me engaged in life again.
2009 was tough, no doubt for everyone. But 2009 was a big wake up call too. Be honest, were you not just a bit complacent before the economic downfall? Were you not spending too much? Were you not feeling too secure in your workplace? Don't you look at your job and your savings and investments a bit more wisely now? Don't you think twice before you spend? This is a good thing.
Our world will never be the same.
Perhaps we can return to the values our parents had. They worked hard to own a home, they took care with their credit. They took pride in a job well done.
They did not buy if they could not pay for it. They saved money for a new car or sofa or toy and paid for it in full.
I learned some lessons in 2009. I hope you did too.
But I won't deny it I am looking forward to a new decade.