Why is it that life never seems simple? I swear there is always some kind of stress going on in my world. I know people who never seem to waiver from day to day. They don't have any upset, drama or challenges. Me, not so much. Granted the earth hasn't opened up underneath me or I haven't had a major tragedy with someone I love. But my drama's always seem to cost a lot of money and I usually have to pay for them with the money I've earmarked for fun.
Last week I fell down on the ice and strained some muscle or tendon in my leg, yesterday I actually felt it tear. OUCH. This week it was a trip to the ER for my hubby. He's ok, but we have some concerns to address. I'm trying to stay positive. My hubby has needed to get in for a physical for quite some time. So in one way this is a blessing; now he has no choice. At least we are dealing with his issue early on and he'll be fine. I might actually meet that $5000 deductible this year. And as long as I'm doing that I might as well get checked out too I guess. I've been putting off that mammogram way too long. It seems that ER nurse was right, it all does go down hill from here.
It's just that these little challenges always seem to hamper the good things that are happening. Just when I get going strong on an exercise program some body part seems to fall apart. For the last couple years it's been my shoulder, and both elbows. Now this stupid leg thing. Walking is not very fun right now.
But at least I can walk right? There are so many people with bigger problems then mine, I really can't complain. And I'm not, I know we are going to be ok. I really am blessed with so much more than a lot of people. And I do thank God every day. I just wish it didn't have to cost so much. Kinda throws a wrench into that 15th Anniversary vacation idea.
We have debt, a good amount of it. But my hubby and I have not been on a get-on-a plane-for-a-week-in-the-sun vacation in a very, very long time. He works 7 days a week, he is most certainly deserving of a vacation. And I have had the most stressful year of my life - Lord knows I need one too. And him having a major health wake up call makes me think--why wait? 15 years together is reason for celebration. Let's do it now while we are young and healthy enough to enjoy it. What if tomorrow never comes?
We had a tough year, it was fraught with challenges for both of us, not to mention our relationship. We could really use the downtime together to reconnect, have fun and remember just what made us fall in love with each other in the first place. Is it a bad thing to add more debt to our pile? Are we justified? Our debt may never go away. There will always be something that comes up. Cars need fixing, house needs repair.
When do we get to say, "hey we need this for our sanity - damn the cost we need to de-stress". Other people get to go on vacaton at least once a year. When do I get to go?
I think I'd like to go to the Grand Canyon. Maybe standing on the edge of a big hole in the earth will put life into perspective.
Maybe then my challenges will feel much smaller.