Today is my Anniversary.
I have spent 14 years with my love. 16 1/2 years since we met. I remember the day so vividly. He was so handsome. He had this quiet confidence and humility about him.
I was drawn to him the moment I saw him. If I hadn't turned around in that parking lot and gone back to find out his name, we may never have gone out. I called him that night, left a message for a number I got from information. It could have been the wrong guy, he could have been a weirdo or married or worse. I had never done that before. But I had to. We just had this chemistry between us. When our eyes met for the first time, it was like he was seeing down to the heart of my very being.
He didn't call me right away. I was upset because I thought he felt it too. Later he told me he had been seeing someone else at that time. He broke up with her to go out with me, he believed in monogamy. That made me feel pretty special.
He's such a good guy, with such a good heart. He's strong and honest and sensitive and true. He works hard, too hard I'm afraid. We laugh and we play. We sing and we dance. He likes art fairs and chick flicks. He always lets me drive the golf cart. Maybe he does those things just because he knows I like them, but still... alot of guys wouldn't. He doesn't have to play the macho card, and to me that makes him all the more a man.
To this day I swear he knows what I'm thinking. He knows what I want and need before I voice it myself. He's in my head. He's in my heart. He's my best friend, my lover, my everything.
And he's mine.
And I'm so lucky.