Why is it that when you decide to start making a change toward something suddenly everything else in life changes too. I mean it's good, don't get me wrong, it's energizing. But suddenly your once peaceful life becomes a hectic array of appointment after appointment.
I'm generally a homebody. I like my house, I like my yard, I like being home and putzing around the house. I have oodles and oodles of projects and hobbies to keep me busy for weeks and weeks. If we were ever snowed in for any length, I'd be totally happy. Leave me a few bottles of Riesling and I'd be even happier. I might go a little stir crazy after a while, but I'd be occupied.
Lately everything is changing. The job world, networking, social media commitments, my body, my mind, you name it it's in flux right now. I like it, I feel kind of buzzed from the energy, but I sort of feel like I'm on a merry-go-round too. Just spinning aimlessly watching things whizz by in a blur.
I'm generally a homebody. I like my house, I like my yard, I like being home and putzing around the house. I have oodles and oodles of projects and hobbies to keep me busy for weeks and weeks. If we were ever snowed in for any length, I'd be totally happy. Leave me a few bottles of Riesling and I'd be even happier. I might go a little stir crazy after a while, but I'd be occupied.
Lately everything is changing. The job world, networking, social media commitments, my body, my mind, you name it it's in flux right now. I like it, I feel kind of buzzed from the energy, but I sort of feel like I'm on a merry-go-round too. Just spinning aimlessly watching things whizz by in a blur.