I'm into natural health. Well about 80% anyway. When I was 36 I had a whole host of health issues. Nothing horrible, but annoying aches and pains, indigestion, headaches, neck, jaw and knee pain, major PMS. So I went
to my Doc and she prescribed a bunch of pills to fix me up. I got like 6 prescriptions for drugs. But that wasn't the answer I wanted. I didn't want to be hooked on drugs the rest of my life. I wanted to know why I was having these issues, I was young, in the prime of my life, I shouldn't feel this old - this young. There had to be a better answer.
Then, I got a referral from a friend to a Kinesiologist. A brilliant young man, thinking way ahead of modern times, enlightened me to natural health. I learned more about my body in my first visit with him then I had learned in my entire life of Doctor visits.
Now I'm not going to lie to you, you really have to keep an open mind. Kinesiology is about the mind-body connection. It has four main components: emotional, energy, skeletal and muscular. All four need to work together for optimal health. This "Doc Wonder" could tell with muscle strength testing what things I had sensitivities to (be it petroleum, dairy or aspartame) for where my body was weak, it told me what organs were ailing; it was nothing short of amazing.
I made a conscious decision to trust in what he had to say, even when it seemed a bit far-fetched. I did what he told me to do. And you know what? Within 4 months all those aches, the acid reflux, the PMS, it was all gone. He adjusted my body, de-toxified me, gave me vitamins and tinctures of positive energy – he taught me about nutrition and what the chemicals and pesticides in our food supply and cosmetics were doing to me. It made perfect sense really. I whole-heartedly jumped on the natural-health bandwagon. I read everything I got my hands on. I've even taken nutrition classes where I knew more then the instructor teaching it.
It's not easy, cheap, or convenient to be healthy. It's quite the opposite. Our food supply, although abundant, is quite poor nutritionally. Our cosmetics give off by-products that can disrupt our hormones. And practically every product, food, beverage and medication does it's part in toxifying our bodies. And the good stuff – the natural stuff, is expensive. It's quite scary and overwhelming when you find out the real truth.
But…I had made the choice to do this for my future self. I had to get to the source of what ailed me and make the necessary changes for good health. Ironically, I thought I was being pretty healthy. I ate a fair amount of fruits and veggies, I wasn't a junk-food –junkie, I got a good amount of exercise, but I had issues despite my good efforts. So I started slow. I cleaned out my cupboards and fridge trying to eliminate anything with chemicals and additives. I gave up regular dairy products; I started buying organic as much as I could. I shopped at Farmer's Markets, Co-ops and Natural Food stores. I took pharmaceutical quality vitamins. I began yoga and meditation.
I learned to eat fresh, natural meals and snacks---well, for the most part anyway. I mean it's hard. You can't really find a grilled piece of organic chicken and some vegetables in a convenience store when you are on the go. So I tried to make better choices. "Hold the burger and fries, I'll take that grilled chicken salad, dressing on the side. Why, no thank you to that cheesecake, I'll just have some fruit tonight". I really annoy my husband, family and friends with my health talk I'm sure, especially when I tell them just how bad those French fries are for them. But, I do pretty well I guess, I try to be strong. I'd say I'm about 80% there. However, I do have to admit that there are some days when there is just no substitution for a Cookie Dough Blizzard.
But I try, I really do try….

Then, I got a referral from a friend to a Kinesiologist. A brilliant young man, thinking way ahead of modern times, enlightened me to natural health. I learned more about my body in my first visit with him then I had learned in my entire life of Doctor visits.
Now I'm not going to lie to you, you really have to keep an open mind. Kinesiology is about the mind-body connection. It has four main components: emotional, energy, skeletal and muscular. All four need to work together for optimal health. This "Doc Wonder" could tell with muscle strength testing what things I had sensitivities to (be it petroleum, dairy or aspartame) for where my body was weak, it told me what organs were ailing; it was nothing short of amazing.
I made a conscious decision to trust in what he had to say, even when it seemed a bit far-fetched. I did what he told me to do. And you know what? Within 4 months all those aches, the acid reflux, the PMS, it was all gone. He adjusted my body, de-toxified me, gave me vitamins and tinctures of positive energy – he taught me about nutrition and what the chemicals and pesticides in our food supply and cosmetics were doing to me. It made perfect sense really. I whole-heartedly jumped on the natural-health bandwagon. I read everything I got my hands on. I've even taken nutrition classes where I knew more then the instructor teaching it.
It's not easy, cheap, or convenient to be healthy. It's quite the opposite. Our food supply, although abundant, is quite poor nutritionally. Our cosmetics give off by-products that can disrupt our hormones. And practically every product, food, beverage and medication does it's part in toxifying our bodies. And the good stuff – the natural stuff, is expensive. It's quite scary and overwhelming when you find out the real truth.
But…I had made the choice to do this for my future self. I had to get to the source of what ailed me and make the necessary changes for good health. Ironically, I thought I was being pretty healthy. I ate a fair amount of fruits and veggies, I wasn't a junk-food –junkie, I got a good amount of exercise, but I had issues despite my good efforts. So I started slow. I cleaned out my cupboards and fridge trying to eliminate anything with chemicals and additives. I gave up regular dairy products; I started buying organic as much as I could. I shopped at Farmer's Markets, Co-ops and Natural Food stores. I took pharmaceutical quality vitamins. I began yoga and meditation.
I learned to eat fresh, natural meals and snacks---well, for the most part anyway. I mean it's hard. You can't really find a grilled piece of organic chicken and some vegetables in a convenience store when you are on the go. So I tried to make better choices. "Hold the burger and fries, I'll take that grilled chicken salad, dressing on the side. Why, no thank you to that cheesecake, I'll just have some fruit tonight". I really annoy my husband, family and friends with my health talk I'm sure, especially when I tell them just how bad those French fries are for them. But, I do pretty well I guess, I try to be strong. I'd say I'm about 80% there. However, I do have to admit that there are some days when there is just no substitution for a Cookie Dough Blizzard.
But I try, I really do try….