Friday, May 22, 2009

Spring in the Garden

I love spring in the garden. I love the smell of spring. The warmth you finally feel again after the long winter. My garden soothes my soul. I live in the suburbs, but I feel like I live in the country. We have a little piece of the world we call our own. The best thing about it… is the pond. A lot of people might think a pond is nothing more then a mosquito hatchery, but it's oh so much more.

My pond gives me distance from my neighbors. My back yard is open, but my view is sublime. We've planted enough trees to block out the neighbors on the sides, so when we are back there we feel like we are in a world all our own. My hubby and I have worked hard in our yard to create a place of peace. Now I don't think that was the goal, "honey, lets create a place of peace…" but that's what it has become. The coolest part is the wildlife that visits. I have tweeters, quackers, critters, croakers, and noisy little bugs I can't see or name. And I love them all. Ok, I lied. I don't like spiders. Actually I really don't like any bugs, well lady bugs are ok, but I admit when I come across one of them, I tend to scream. But nevertheless I can't imagine living without the sounds of the pond.

I get so excited in April, when the weather finally warms, the snow melts off and I can see the beginnings of life start to emerge. I come home from work excited to see what has popped up from day to day. And it just shocks me how fast things grow. I swear my lilies were just popping a few short weeks ago and suddenly they are a foot tall. Amazing. I sometimes think if I can just slow down enough, I might actually be able to see them grow.

It is a lot of work, the older I get the more work it seems to be, but what gratifying work it is. I can spend hours in the back yard. I like to get out there real early, when no one else is up making neighbor noise and just listen to the birds sing to me. As I work the soil I just zone out. Suddenly I have no more noise in my head. No constantly spinning To Do list, no thoughts about projects at work, no financial worries, no stress. I'm in the moment just playing in the dirt, and my only thoughts are what the flowers will look like when they bloom. I sit and stare and visualize how they will look, how big they will be, do the colors coordinate. I have a mental photograph in my head of what the garden would look like if it were all in bloom at once. And I gotta tell ya, it's Spectacular.