My Mother is a beautiful soul. She has so much wisdom about life and love. She is giving and kind and caring. The world would be a much better place if we all grew up with a Mom like mine.
Whenever I'm feeling down, I call my Mom and she lifts my spirits. She assures me that every thing is going to be ok. If I'm sick, she makes me feel better just by being sympathetic to what ails me. She always says "I wish I could take your pain away", just that tender gesture makes me feel better. When I'm feeling good, my Mom is right there to cheer for me and give me encouragement and hope. She's always there to lend a hand or an ear.
My Mom was born around the depression. She is from a large family. She's lived through times when she didn't have enough food to eat or money to go around. She's lived through hardships and sickness. She saw the advent of television and electric appliances. She married at the young age 17 and is still married to my Dad of 57 years. She knows what it is like to handle strife and challenges and chaos. She is nothing short of remarkable. And she is my best friend.
She may not have a college degree, but as far as I'm concerned, she has a Masters Degree in Life. She has the answers to pretty much anything I can throw at her. Especially when it comes to relationships. My Mom is the Queen of relationships. If there is anyone out there that can figure out the male psyche it's my Mom. I'm not sure what gives her this insight, whether it's having so many brothers or just being married for so long, she knows how a man thinks and she knows how to handle them. If it's true men are from Mars and Women are from Venus, my Mom is fluent in the Marsian language. It's truly a gift.
I credit my sensibility to my Mom and honestly my Grandma too. My sweet little Swedish Grandma was filled with the same kind of wisdom. She knew how to get to the heart of things. Her little Grandma-isms were simple, but true. Things like:
"If you don't want to be fat, don't eat so much"
"It's not a lie if you don't say it out loud"
"I can see you wherever you are, so be good"
or my favorite…"I'll have to worry about that tomorrow, I don't have time today"
Sometimes it's the simple words and simple thoughts that are the most intelligent. My Mom and my Grandma have the ability to put things into perspective with their gestures and words to some how make life seem less complex.
After all, when it comes down to it, we all face the same issues from day to day. We struggle with love. We struggle with self-image. We struggle with work and money and family. Perhaps if we simplified the way in which we perceive our problems life would make more sense.
Listen to your Mother's, they know from which they speak.