"Always Live Your Life with a Grateful Heart"
No truer words were ever spoken. I'm not sure who said that but I think it's a beautiful way to live.
When you think about it, if we looked at life from a grateful perspective wouldn't we feel so much happier about our lives, our famlies, our world?
Instead of thinking how much your job sucks, why not appreciate the fact that in this economy you still have a job, a steady paycheck and thusly a home and car.
Instead of thinking about how you don't get along with your siblings you can turn that into at least I have a family, so many people don't. I have some where to go on Christmas and people who will welcome me in.
When you complain that you don't have new furniture or carpeting for your house; think about those that have no home at all. Be grateful that you have shelter.
If you are grumpy because you have some aches and pains from growing older. Remember that there are those with no limbs or no feeling at all. Be glad you can still walk.
As a society we need to be appreciative of the little things, the friendly smile of a server, the wish to "have a good day" from a customer. Appreciate the beauty of a simple sunset or sparkle of the sun on the window.
I prefer to live with that grateful heart in life. I know that little gestures of kindness matter. They lift the spirit of those feeling down; and in turn you will find your own spirits rise by being kind.