When I started this blog it was meant to be an outlet for my frustrations and for my ponderings, a way to find conflict resolution. It was a way to self-discovery and personal growth. I wanted to evolve. And it has done all those things for me.
As for my readers, I'm not sure.
I get a fair amount of positive feedback, people find me inspiring. Maybe I bring a tear to their eye. They can relate. I guess that was my intention to begin with, to touch people on a personal level.
I wanted to write about life's challenges. I wanted to explore how I resolve the daily conflicts that we all in our human race of life endure. And I hope that's what I've been doing.
No matter what our profession, we all face struggles, self-doubt and worry. We all wonder if we did the right thing, or if we are being true to ourselves. And we all share hope and wonder and success. We all have wrenches thrown into our daily lives too.
Writing has always been my vent. As a child if I had an argument with my Dad, I would write it out. I'd scribble down all my objections. I'd read them back loudly in my head and when I got it all out of me, I'd tear it up. With those torn pages, my anger seemed to dissipate.
Now in this stage of my life I'm looking to writing again as a way to change my occupation. For years I've been looking for a change, but as it seems no one wants to let you switch gears because you "know you can do the job, or "because it's your heart's desire", or even "because it's something you always thought you would be good at". No, they want to hire an expert in their field. They don't want to take a chance. And in this competitive market, who can blame them.
So I've decided to become a writer, hopefully professionally. I figure if no one else wants to give me a shot, I'll make it happen for myself. I'm hoping some day people will care what I have to say. That I will be a modern day Irma Bombeck and bring humor and truth to our human condition.
Hopefully then people won't think that my blog is a waste of time.