I've decided in this new decade of my life that I have to start looking at the world differently.
Nothing is what it seems. Food is tainted, the air is polluted, and our lives are constantly plugged into some electrical device. Everything is on the fast track. We don't get a moment of peace anymore. Our cell phones follow us everywhere; we are bombarded by the media, bad news and gossip shows. Does it really matter what the Hollywood socialites do? Does it affect us? Does it make us feel different about ourselves? I say NO! Turn off the radio, the IPOD, the TV and listen to your own thoughts; you might be surprised by what you have to say. Whatever happened to living in the moment, appreciating a butterfly sipping dew, the quiet of a sunrise, a world of quiet serenity?
The only thing we can really do for ourselves is try to find time to escape the noise, the chores, the electricity of city life and escape to the quiet of nature. Feel the warmth of the sun on your face and the wind in your hair. Who cares if it messes up your hairdo ladies, roll down the windows in your car and sing at the top of your lungs – it's good for your soul. Who cares if you have a stack of dishes in the sink, go and play with your husband today. Hold hands and roll in the grass somewhere – take time for some romance. Forget your IPOD, go walk by a lake and let the birds sing to you. They will bring a rhythm all their own. Stop depriving yourself of lovely things because you are saving the good perfume for a special occasion or the silky panties for a fancy night out. Wear the pretty panties today! Enjoy the way the silkiness feels under your work clothes, it will give you something to smile about. Dab the good perfume on for you to enjoy. Dance with your hubby in the living room, lie on your bed naked, next to an open window and let the sunshine warm your skin.
Nothing is what it seems. Food is tainted, the air is polluted, and our lives are constantly plugged into some electrical device. Everything is on the fast track. We don't get a moment of peace anymore. Our cell phones follow us everywhere; we are bombarded by the media, bad news and gossip shows. Does it really matter what the Hollywood socialites do? Does it affect us? Does it make us feel different about ourselves? I say NO! Turn off the radio, the IPOD, the TV and listen to your own thoughts; you might be surprised by what you have to say. Whatever happened to living in the moment, appreciating a butterfly sipping dew, the quiet of a sunrise, a world of quiet serenity?
The only thing we can really do for ourselves is try to find time to escape the noise, the chores, the electricity of city life and escape to the quiet of nature. Feel the warmth of the sun on your face and the wind in your hair. Who cares if it messes up your hairdo ladies, roll down the windows in your car and sing at the top of your lungs – it's good for your soul. Who cares if you have a stack of dishes in the sink, go and play with your husband today. Hold hands and roll in the grass somewhere – take time for some romance. Forget your IPOD, go walk by a lake and let the birds sing to you. They will bring a rhythm all their own. Stop depriving yourself of lovely things because you are saving the good perfume for a special occasion or the silky panties for a fancy night out. Wear the pretty panties today! Enjoy the way the silkiness feels under your work clothes, it will give you something to smile about. Dab the good perfume on for you to enjoy. Dance with your hubby in the living room, lie on your bed naked, next to an open window and let the sunshine warm your skin.
There are simple pleasures that we need to take back. And I think the time is now. I have spent the majority of my life trying to fit into the norm. The normal size clothes, the normal job, keeping up with every new gadget, and it doesn't make me happy. What really makes me happy are the simple things. My husband's kisses, my purring cat in my lap, my Mom's love, sunset in my garden, the wind in my hair, a hot shower, a good cup of coffee with real cream. I'm giving up the clutter, the noise, the "stuff". I'm taking back me, my spirit, my joy, my life.